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Audio Work



Three short audio pieces - Archangel, Sweden and Cousin, made with Sally Kindberg, intended to be part of a series of Unresolved Stories.

Sally remembers mysterious and ambiguous encounters from her childhood.



A couple of 3 minute pieces, CRASH and STATIC, made for the 2016 Third Coast Audio ShortDocs Festival in Chicago.


STATIC is a film noirish tale of a man trapped in a movie he watched the night before featuring Howard Lee.

CRASH is a true story (my story) of an irresponsible night out in London many years ago. Only the names have been changed to protect the guilty.

I also made four 10 minute audio pieces for The Empathy Museum's A Mile In My Shoes project in 2015 and 2016.

With Murray-Anderson Wallace I co-wrote and co-directed a series of 3 podcasts (part dramatised) for the Royal College of Surgeons on 'Informed Consent' and another series for Patient Safety Learning.

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